Santa Cruz County

Job Search Workshop

Goodwill Central Coast provides job search workshops for CalWORKs participants to prepare them for competitive employment. These workshops assist participants in finding and keeping long-term employment by providing comprehensive training in basic job seeking, understanding employer expectations, increasing job readiness, and retaining employment.

Subsidized Transitional Employment Program

Eligible CalWORKs participants gain work experience and new skills through STEP services. This includes a 16-week paid placement, Job Readiness Academy (JRA) attendance, case management services, and direct on-the-job supervision.

Temporary Employment to Meet Participation

TEMP services provide eligible CalWORKs participants with one-month paid temporary employment at GCC to meet federally required work hours, serving as a gap activity and offering direct job supervision and valuable work experience.

Department of Rehabilitation Situational Assessments (DOR)

Situational Assessment services inform DOR clients of their employment strengths and barriers, helping them choose a goal based on preferences, abilities, and needs.

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday

Office: 831-287-2350 ext: 8359

Department of Rehabilitation Employment Services (DOR)

Employment planning services help DOR clients choose employment or career development opportunities based on their preferences, strengths, abilities, and needs.

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday

Office: 831-287-2350 ext: 8359

Department of Rehabilitation Student and Adult Work Experience

Adult and Student Work Experience assists DOR clients in identifying their skills, interests, and career prospects. It also provides them with the opportunity to engage in real-world work, thereby enhancing their soft skills and preparing them for unsubsidized employment.

8:00 am – 5:00 pm
Monday through Friday

Office: 831-287-2350 ext: 8359

Digital Literacy

The Digital Literacy program offers free classes to Monterey and Santa Cruz County residents to help them navigate the increasingly technological world. Students receive specialized curriculum virtually and in person on the most widely-used programs and applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint.


Provides students who receive services with the Department of Rehabilitation, referred from Santa Cruz and Pajaro School Districts, obtain real-world work experience, build soft skills, and gain habits that positively influence them.


Goodwill Central Coast provides intensive case management to help formerly incarcerated individuals successfully reintegrate into society, including referrals for mental health and substance use treatment, housing assistance, job placement, and increased family support.

WIOA Title 1

Adult and Dislocated Worker Program help income-eligible Santa Cruz County residents who are unemployed/displaced worker succeed in the labor market by providing access to employment, education, training, and financial support services while matching employer with the skilled workers they need to compete in the economy.